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Emily has been developing and delivering creative writing workshops since 2013. Her approach integrates a personal ethos of facilitation with a passion for sharing knowledge. ​Her specialisations are life writing, flash fiction, and the short story. 


She regularly facilitates writing workshops with medical professionals as part of her role as Writer-in-Residence at Roxburghe House and has delivered workshops at the NHS Grampian Palliative Care Conference and the NHS Grampian Medical Humanities Conference. 


Emily has previously been commissioned to run workshops for members of the local community by Aberdeen City Council, Rape Crisis Grampian, An Lanntair,  Fersands and Fountain Community Centre, CLAN Cancer Support, The Press & Journal,  and Snug (All in Ideas SCIO). 

Helensburgh Book Festival (March 2024)

A life writing workshop to harness the senses, explore memory, and take creative license with your own story.  


Snug (March 2023)

'Life Writing in Flash'


Alcohol & Drugs Action Workshops (2022-2023)

A series of 2-hr Friday sessions held between November 2022 and June 2023 with ADA service users as part of the 'Stories to Tell' project, Commissioned by the North East Culture Collective.

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