Emily Utter

Emily is originally from Hamilton, Ontario but has lived in Aberdeen, Scotland for thirteen years. She completed a Master of Letters in Creative Writing at the University of Aberdeen in 2012 and went on to complete her PhD in 2016.
She writes short stories, flash fiction, and creative non-fiction. Her writing has been featured internationally in publications from Scotland, Canada, Australia, and the United States.
Her novel-in-progress, THE NIGHT ROOM, was shortlisted for the Women's Prize Trust/Curtis Brown/Audible 'Discoveries Prize' in May 2023. She has recently been awarded time-to-write funding from Creative Scotland to finish and revise the novel over the next 12 months.
Emily has been the Writer in Residence at Roxburghe House, a palliative care hospital in Aberdeen, since 2016. She facilitates both private and commissioned creative writing workshops in the city and was the North East Culture Collective practitioner for the Alcohol & Drugs Action project, 'Stories to Tell.'
Emily has taught Creative Writing at Aberdeen College sessionally since 2019. She has lectured at the University of Aberdeen as a Teaching Fellow and is also an Honorary Fellow of the WORD Centre for Creative Writing.
Emily is represented by Lucy Morris and Viola Hayden at Curtis Brown Books.
Photo courtesy of Chris Henderson